2024-04-27 0 By Luna Murasaki

Console Gaming History Adventure: 1978

Hi again! It’s time for one more article in my “Console Gaming History Adventure” series before I’m officially caught up on writing about my experiences, and can get back to actually playing games! This time, we’re following up on 1977 by covering 1978. This year brings us 75 new games to play with across 51 new cartridges for 5 different gaming consoles! Things are heating up now!

2024-04-21 0 By Luna Murasaki

Console Gaming History Adventure: 1977

This is a continuation of my Console Gaming History Adventure series that started with 1976, where I try out nearly every English-friendly console game released for each year of gaming history and share my experiences. Today, that’s 1977, the same year the “Star Wars” movie came out! While there still isn’t a lot of activity in the console gaming arena compared to later years, the situation is a lot better than it was for 1976, with 25 new games across 20 new cartridges to take a look at!

2024-04-17 0 By Luna Murasaki

Some Middle-Ground Thoughts on Transgenderism

So since I’m a demon and everyone’s going hate me anyway, I thought I’d write an opinion piece on the trans movement! 😃 No, this has nothing to do with March 31st a few weeks back being Trans Visibility Day (which I admit is a lot shorter and more practical than a more appropriate name, like “Let’s-All-Point-at-the-Transpeople-for-Being-Different-and-Make-Them-Fear-Even-More-for-Their-Lives Day”). It also has nothing to do with the unbelievable stink around it happening to fall on Holy Easter Sunday this one year, though maybe if I hadn’t been so shy it would have been better to write this piece back then. 😬 It’s just something that’s been on my mind a lot and I want to talk about it! Specifically, I want to offer a middle-ground perspective on it, because with all the vitriolic polarization going on in Western politics these days, I think trying to find some kind of empathetic compromise is really badly needed!

2024-01-03 2 By Luna Murasaki

There I go being shy again…

I was scared when I started this blog that after a few posts I would lose my nerve and stop. Well it looks like that’s exactly what’s happened. 😖 The Internet is such an incredibly mean and toxic place. Putting yourself out there and sharing what you want to share doesn’t just risk exposure to insults and bullying, it guarantees it – at least if you do it long enough. And I’m very conscious of just how bad I am at handling that when it happens to me. And so I quickly get too scared and bow out.

2023-10-12 1 By Luna Murasaki

Columbus Day has me feeling… happy?

Today is Columbus Day – at least in most of the countries that celebrate it. I hate Columbus Day! I’ve always hated Columbus Day. Long before it was cool to hate Columbus Day, I hated Columbus Day. October has always been my favorite month of the year because of how it is the buildup to Halloween, and Columbus Day has always been this big ugly stain that ruins that! This year though, I feel different. I feel optimistic… I actually feel… happy. And Columbus day just isn’t bothering me anymore.

2023-10-11 1 By Luna Murasaki

The Hell Begins: A First Post

Well, here we are. It’s my first post here but not my first try at making a blog. 😕 I’m still not sure how I want to do this and what all I want to talk about. I still don’t know exactly the kind of writing style I wanna use that’ll feel right for me going forward. I still don’t know how I’m going to fight the weird crippling shyness that always builds up after a post or two that just always makes me just give up again! 😣 I don’t even really know what it is I even want to focus on with this – like, what topics and themes. But the urge to make a blog doesn’t really go away, even if the attempts never really last long. I may just need to settle into how best to do it and then it will explode! I mean, maybe. I don’t really know. I guess we’ll see.